Five Year Alimiyat Course
Ibn-e-Masood Academy offers a comprehensive full length five-year Alim degree program covering the following subjects:
1-Arabic Literature (Speech, Composition, and Rhetoric) 5-Hadith (Prophetic Traditions)
2-Islamic Theology (‘Aqidah) 6-Usul al-Tafsir (Principles of Exegesis)
3-Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh) 7-Tafsir al-Quran (Exegesis)
4-Fiqh (Jurisprudence) 8- Sirah (Prophetic Biography)
9- Ulum al-Hadith (Sciences of Hadith Interpretation)
1st year
1. J a m a l u l Q u r a n , H i fz 3 0 J uz th (30 Part, Middle to End) 4. Bahishti Zewar
2. Seerat Khatamul Anbiya with Writing and Dictatin 5. Tasheelu-Sarf (1st and 2nd )
3. Al-Qiratul Waziha (1 Part) 6. Tasheelu-Nahw (Complete)
2nd year
a Tarjuma Quran Majeed (From 4.Sha r ah- e -Mi a t a
l &
Muallimul-Insha (65Tamreen)
Surah Qa’f till the last)
2. Noorul-Idhah 5. Tasheelu-Sarf (1st and 2nd )
3. Tadreesul An-Nahw 6. Tasheelu-Nahw (Complete)Tarjuma Quran Majeed (From
Surah Qa’f till the last)Tadreesul An-Nahw
Ifta Course
This is one-year length course especially designed for those who have already completed Five-Year Alimiyat course and want to pursue further education and to become expert in Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence). This helps an Alim/Alima to understand the rules of Sharia, and makes him/her enable to know how a masala (new issue) is driven from the core rules of Shari’a and thus they become independent to tell Masails of Sharia to others. This is offered for both male and female as well as in both Class form or on an Individual basis.
Qawaidul Fiqh
Uqud Rasmul Mufti
Al-Ashba Wannazair
Takhassus Fil-Hadith
In the last year of Dars-e Nezami (Daurah Hadith), a lengthy
discussion is practiced to explain the meaning of Ahadith, and the
issues, commands and etiquettes which are derived from it.
According to Imam Ali bin Madini this is half of the knowledge. The
second half –chains of Ahadith– is not discussed in detail such as the
matan of the Ahadith. So as per the need, this is one-year length
course especially designed for those who have already completed
Five-Year Alimiyat course and want to become expert in hadith
(Specialization in Hadith).
This course helps an Alim/Alimah to understand important rules
regarding sanad and matan of Ahadith, equipping him/her with the
skills to know how to search for ahadith, and acquainting him/her with
the grade of each Hadith. It also provides knowledge of the biography
of the narrators and how to prefer one Hadith over the other if the
muhadditheen differ about a narrator whether he is trustworthy or not.
This course is offered for both males and females and is taught in both
a group setting as well as on an individual basis.
Taisir Mustalehu-l Hadith lil- Tahan
A l f a w e d u – l M u h i m m a h fi Mukhtalifu-l Hadith
Qaida fil Jarh-e wattadil-e lisSubki
Ataqyid walizah lil-Iraqi (chapter. No. 23)
A r r a f w a t k m i l fi l J a r h – e wattadil-e lil- Lucknowi
Usul-e Takhrijul Hadith
Dirasatul Asanid
Muhadrat-e Ilmiyah
Hifzul- Ahaditul Mukhtarah
Asunnatu wa Makanatu ha Fittashril Islami
For Self Study
Arresaltul m u s t a t r i f a h l i l – Kattani
Qawaid fi Uloomul Hadith lil Thanwi
Asunnatu wa Makanatuha Fittashril Islami
One-year Deeniyat Course
It is One-year comprehensive Deeni Knowledge Course for both Male and Female. Subjects covered are Tajwid, Hifz al-Quran, ‘Aqaid (Beliefs), Hadith, Masail of Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence), Supplications (Du’a), and Islamic Adaab (Etiquettes.)
Noorani Qaida
Nazira Qur’an (5 Parts)
Hifze Qur’an (30 Part)
Talimul Islam
Talimul Al-Deen (Aqaid)
Seerat Khatamul Anbiya
Jawaiul Kalim
Adab-e Muashra
Arabic Grammar& Literature
This program offers Arabic Grammar and Literature for both Male and Female. The course covers Arabic Language Reading, Writing, and Comprehension for all Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced levels. This program teaches the core of Arabic language, i.e., Arabic Morphology (Sarf), and Arabic Grammar (Nahw.)
Miftahul Arabia (3 Volumes)
Muallimul Insha
Al-Kitabul Asasi
Imamat Program
This course provides essential Masail and training to become an Imam. After completion of this course, a student shall be certified to lead any Majisd or Islamic Center as a certified Imama or Khateeb. The program is offered in both Class form or on an Individual basis.
Memorization (last two parts)
Tajweed (Jamalul Qur’an
Masail Namaz
Masaile Imamat
Book orTopic Based Program
Such Islamic knowledge-seekers who only want to read or repeat a book on a specific topic (rather than taking a lengthy or full-length course), e.g. Sarf, Nahw, Usool, Balaghat, Adab etc., special expert Ulama Kiram and dedicated teachers will be provided for them for a special crash course.
Seeratul Al-Nabi Course
Sirah (Prophetic Biography) enhances our love for the Prophet (saws) and educates us about the meaning of the Qur’an. Studying Sirah raises our hopes, elevates our spirits and strengthens our I’man and souls. Sirah in and of itself is one of the greatest miracles of the Prophet (saws) which brings about comfort and solace to the heart and it lays out a precise methodology of the revival of the Muslim Ummah. Therefore, we have designed a Seeratul Al-Nabi program which describes incidents and situations form the life of our beloved prophet which are real life lessons for all to help us succeed in this life as well as in life hereafter.
Al-Raheekul Makhtoom
Lectures on Selected topics of Islamic history
Tafseer Program
Tafseer (description/explanation of the holy Qur’an) is essential for
proper understanding of Qur’an. Without Tafseer, we can’t understand
the meaning of Qur’an. Allah (swt) says in the Qur’an: “Verily this
Qur’an leads to the path that is mot right” (17:09) and thus everybody
can find the Straight Path through this Book as the Qur’an is a complete
source of guidance in and of itself. This is why we have designed a
weekly program which offers a comprehensive Tafsser (explanation)
in English language from some specific parts of the holy Qur’an to
adults, aged people male and female. This program will, Insh’Allah,
enhance our ability to understand the Qur’an and its massage directly.
Ibn-e-Masood Academy does not charge any fees for this program that is a
free program to which anyone from all around the world can join us a
day in a week
Al-Raheekul Makhtoom
Lectures on Selected topics of Islamic history
Weekend Program
This academy has designed a Deeniyat Course who wish to learen Islamic teachings but cannot spare time during the weekdays due to their busy schedule. Now they have an opportunity to study on the weekends (Saturday& Sunday). This course covers basic knowledge of Deen, Qur’an specific Ahadith and supplications so that a person can discharge his religious obligations in a proper way.
Qura’n & Tajweed
Basic Aqaid- wa Masail
Ada’b e Muashrat
Al-Duaul Masnoon